
How to prepare for a B2B PR crisis

At some point, most businesses will face a crisis that may impact brand reputation. Inevitably accidents happen and unforeseen problems occur.

The way you respond to the crisis and how you communicate with the media will make all the difference to the way the event is reported. Therefore it is important that you understand how to deal effectively with potential problems in order to mitigate damage.

Time is of the essence; a quick well-thought-out response is required and that is why it’s imperative you already have a B2B crisis communication plan in place.

Make no mistake, failing to prepare for a crisis is preparing to fail.

How to prepare a B2B crisis management plan

Begin by putting together a company crisis manual. This will help to formulate your strategy and ensure your house is in order with tight controls. Once completed the manual should be easy to use and accessible by senior management.

Identify what would be a crisis for your company. Are there any particularly vulnerable areas of the business?

Brainstorm with senior managers and consider different types of crises and the possible impacts they could have.

Once you have put together your crisis manual, keep it updated on a regular basis; consider the current economic and political climates, personnel changes and any significant company or industry developments.

Appoint a Crisis Response team

Put together a Crisis Response team – include key management, heads of departments, a PR representative and a lawyer. It is vital to include at least one company director and if possible, the managing director.

As an immediate reaction will be needed, detail 24/7 contact details and the ideal order of response. Appoint a spokesperson to speak to the media. Also remember that it will be necessary to communicate information to shareholders, major clients, as well as key suppliers and employees.

Arrange media training sessions for the spokesperson and the response team so that they appear well prepared and professional. Set up simulated crisis sessions to raise awareness of the reality of a crisis situation.

Inform staff that all media enquiries regarding a crisis should be directed to a member of the response team.

Set up early warning systems

Closely monitor the company’s online presence as that is the first place a crisis will be reported.

Set up a dormant blog that can be used as your communications hub during a crisis. Also, decide which telephone number will be used as the crisis helpline.

Identify key channels and influencers

Build and strengthen relationships with key media and influencers. Take into account all of those people who will need to be aware of the crisis.

Make a contact list of these key people so that they can be informed of the crisis immediately. During the heat of the dilemma they will be responsible for driving awareness.


How to respond when a B2B crisis strikes

Thanks to the internet everyone is going to find out QUICKLY, very quickly. The media loves to sensationalise a crisis and if you’re not careful your organisation’s handling of the crisis will be portrayed in the worst possible light.

Immediate upfront communication is required, acknowledging the facts and how the company is positively dealing with the situation.

Muster the Crisis Response team

Check where the issue has already broken online and continue to monitor all media avenues 24/7. Make haste to research the crisis to determine the truth of what happened. The truth will always be your biggest ally.

Formulate a plan of action

Make a decision on how best to respond by determining your appropriate positioning and message. Prepare a press statement; be prompt, be concerned, be informative, and most importantly, be HONEST.

Respond online first, aim to put out a statement within 10 to 30 minutes of receiving news of the crisis – faster if possible.

Arrange a press conference

Remember that suppressing information will increase speculation – acknowledge the issue truthfully and put your spokesperson out front to address concerns.

Man the telephone crisis hotline 24/7.

Update the communications area of your website frequently so that the media always have instant access to the latest information,

Don’t go quiet, if nothing new has occurred, keep communicating, assure the media that further updates will be available as more facts emerge.


When the crisis is over – review and evaluate

Check news coverage of the event

Keep a constant lookout for media coverage. Were your key messages covered by the press?

Are further updates on the final outcome of the crisis necessary?

Evaluate your company’s reputation

How has your company or brand’s reputation been affected by the crisis? Make a thorough evaluation and recommendations.

De-brief the crisis team

Assess how well the situation was handled by your Crisis Response team. Congratulate those who stepped up to the plate and learn from any mistakes made.

Review your crisis communication plan

Was your communication strategy up to the job? How well did your plans perform? Does anything need to be changed?

Use the knowledge

Prepare for next time.


If you need help to prepare your B2B business for a PR crisis, ring Alan Myers at Leapfrog Marketing on 0116 278 7788