
Why press releases are effective today & how agencies can help you boost B2B results

In the age of digital and social media, where captions and clicks dominate the internet space, press releases continue to be the norm for public relations (PR) professionals. Press releases are an integral part of any public relations service and a key component of PR since 1906. Over a century later, press releases still govern the PR landscape as an essential business promotion strategy and communication tool.

A press release is essentially a short newsworthy article about your business that’s intended for journalists and is usually accompanied by an editor’s note. The main reason for writing a press release is to shine a spotlight on the work of a business and promote any achievements. Events or milestones that are significant such as new mergers, contract wins, campaign launches and new appointments can also be covered by a press release.

At Leapfrog, we believe press releases are an important component of B2B marketing. Over the years, they have gained momentum especially in the digital era. Here are some reasons why the good old press release is still relevant today and how digital agencies can help your business stand out:

Why Press Releases Are Effective

Enhance reputation and maintain credibility

Public relations is as much about reputation as it is about promotion and being visible to the target audience. A press release helps capitalise on the reputation built over years by the company. In the event of a crisis, a press release can help restore an organisation’s reputation by issuing facts honestly and in a timely manner. A business that consistently presents honest & credible statements builds credibility and respect in the long run.

Build awareness through media relations

Media relations is an essential part of public relations and one that helps target the right businesses and audiences. Press releases act as a strong link between the media and a company. The media function as agents of dissemination for press releases and by distributing them to the relevant publications a PR agency ensures they reach the right audience and gets ample coverage in the right media.

Control your own narrative

The press release can act as a compelling short story about a business covering events, campaigns and other activities. Such promotional activity helps highlight the company’s work and strengthens its brand image. Engaging stories provide relevant information for target audiences and gives the organisation the autonomy to control its own narrative.

Promote your business effectively

Press releases help in building awareness for your business by gaining press coverage for the company in important publications. As press releases often include official quotes from a company spokesperson, they add value and integrity to the news being published.

Helps SEO and other digital activities

Press releases can be shared on digital platforms including blogs, websites etc. These articles help with search engine optimisation (SEO) by including keywords and building links that drive traffic to your website. They help potential customers land on your web pages.

How Agencies Help Boost Your B2B Results

A well-connected distributor

Targeting the right journalists to submit a press release is extremely important. Good PR agencies will have access to a comprehensive media database which is updated on a daily basis. This enables the agency to create a network of journalists they connect with on a regular basis. Hiring a PR agency for your business will not just ensure an effective well-written press release but also its circulation in the right channels.

A reliable PR spokesperson during crises

During moments of unexpected crisis, an agency can develop a strategic B2B crisis management plan. Part of this plan will include press releases to keep the media informed of the situation in an open and honest way. Meanwhile, the business can focus on sorting out solutions to the crisis. An agency will help the business by issuing the right statements to the media at the right time.

An engaging storyteller

The smallest of achievements can make for an interesting story in the hands of good storytellers who have a way with words. PR agencies are adept at drafting engaging stories around diverse topics. They also pitch these stories to journalists who can help get them published to reach the right target audience.

A promoter for all your PR and marketing activities

Promoting or marketing a business goes hand in hand with profit and sales. Press releases can act as an indirect way to boost sales and PR agencies can act as the middlemen for these promotions in all forms. PR agencies customise promotions and marketing strategy to meet each client’s goals and ensure they stand out from the crowd.

A professional SEO writing team

PR agencies are skilled at writing for SEO, ensuring the right keywords are used in the right densities. They offer digital expertise to make sure the press release gets ranked by search engines, and in particular by Google.

The press release has evolved over the years and has seamlessly blended into the digital age. At Leapfrog, we not only craft engaging press releases, but also ensure our clients are well-represented in the media.

The press release is an integral part of the work we do along with PR strategy, SEO and digital marketing covering all important aspects of B2B business. Check out our website to read some of our press releases and other services we offer.